What Are Common Breast Implant Rupture Causes?
Added on 8th September 2020 in Blog

Over the years, the advancements of surgical techniques has improved the breast augmentation procedure. These improvements include hardening the shell of the breast implant and using higher quality material to create the implants and extend their lifetime.
Although this is the case, understandably our patients still question the common breast implant rupture causes and complications. Let’s not forget that implants are man-made, therefore, ruptures can occur. Thankfully, the quality of shells in breast implants have significantly improved making them less vulnerable to rupture.
Let’s still look at the common breast implant rupture causes so you’re aware of this before considering breast augmentation surgery.
Car accident trauma
When heavy pressure is applied to your breasts, they will naturally be at risk of becoming ruptured. Modern breast implants have become stronger over the years, but the impact from a car accident can be unpredictable and will expectedly put significant pressure on your breasts. This will make them prone to being pierced and rupturing on impact.
Capsular Contracture
Capsular contracture is considered one of the most common breast implant rupture causes. It occurs when the skin tissue around the implant hardens and tightens the area around the implant and breast. If the contracture is heavy enough, it can lead the implant to rupture, particularly if the implant is old. Breast implant revision will most likely be required to replace or remove the implant.
Ageing implant
Understandably, your implant will age over time the longer you have it. Similar to how we as humans will become less mobile and weaker as we get older, the same happens to the implants. As they age, the breast implants can become weaker and make them more vulnerable to ruptures later down the line. It’s advised that it’s normally around 10 years after that breast implant revision may be required due to the ageing process.
Should you be worried about breast implant rupture causes?
Every patient is examined on an individual basis, and your situation will be different to others. It’s also important to be reassured that a rupture doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll need a removal. If you are considering breast augmentation but still have concerns about ruptures and other complications occurring, we invite you to contact us. We’ll be able to discuss any concerns that you have via a consultation and answer any questions that you have.
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