What Happens When You Get Your Ears Pinned Back?
Added on 14th May 2021 in Blog
Having your ears pinned back is a common cosmetic procedure, used in order to correct ears that protrude. This procedure is usually completed in order to help people feel less self-conscious, as people may feel that their ears stick out and want to correct it.
Although many people are aware of what ear pinning is, many people question exactly what happens when you get your ears pinned back. In this blog, we will discuss the consultation, the procedure itself and also what to expect after the procedure.
What Happens When You Get Your Ears Pinned Back – The Consultation
During the consultation, your surgeon will discuss the procedure with you, aftercare and potential risks. They will also make sure that you want to have the procedure done for the right reasons and that you are a strong and healthy candidate for surgery. Finally, your expectations for the procedure will be discussed. To see examples of previous procedures, have a look at our ear reshaping case studies.
As with any surgical procedure there are associated risks, such as inflammation, blood clots and ear stiffness, however this is something that will be discussed in more detail with your surgeon.
What Happens When You Get Your Ears Pinned Back – The Procedure
The average ear pinning procedure will take around an hour, but can be slightly shorter or longer depending on the patient. It is difficult to say exactly what happens when you get your ears pinned back as every patient is different, although usually an incision is made behind the ear in order to reposition the cartilage and alter the appearance of the ear. This is then stitched up and the procedure is repeated on the other ear.
There is also the option to have your earlobes corrected, which is performed in order to improve the appearance of sagging earlobes. This procedure is completed in a way that minimises scarring.
What Happens When You Get Your Ears Pinned Back – Aftercare
After the surgery, you will probably be able to go home the same day. You will need to wear a headband that covers the ears for around 4-6 weeks in order to allow them to heal. In terms of pain, you may experience some discomfort and mild pain, which will be rectified with prescribed pain killers. You will need to take around one week off work, depending on the industry.
The general post-surgery rules also apply to having your ears pinned back, including keeping the wound dry and massaging the scars after they have healed. It is advised that you avoid intense exercise and sport for around 6 weeks or until cleared by your surgeon. When it comes to pain, healing or resuming activities, any concerns should be discussed with your surgeon immediately.
Final Thoughts
If you are considering this procedure, please visit our ear reshaping page for more information about what happens when you get your ears pinned back, or contact us to book in for a consultation.
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