What Can Be Done If I Have More Fat In My Upper Abdomen?
Added on 12th March 2021
Could It Be Your Clothing?
The distribution of fat around the body varies between people. It is very important that your clothes are fitting well, and especially with bras, that they are not too tight causing extra fat bulging in the upper part of the body. Again, underwear that is worn high can force swelling upwards. So, first of all look at clothing.
Can It Be Reduced Through Your Lifestyle?
Secondly, is it excess fat? Can it be reduced by any other means such as a healthy diet and lifestyle? If this is stubborn fat that is isolated, liposuction is an option. But, one needs to look at whether excisional surgery may be required. Certainly, scars placed around the under surface of the breast is one way of removing some tissue and it can be used to also augment the breast.
Reverse Abdominoplasty As An Option
We also have a reverse abdominoplasty which is a procedure where scars are placed across all the way across the chest and everything is moved upwards which can address the scenario where there is excess skin in the upper part alongside fat.
So, there are options and a consultation will help to define the pros and cons more for you if you wish to look into this. Please contact us to speak to one of our Patient Care Advisors.
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