How Much Fat Will Survive Following Autologous Fat Transfer?
Added on 26th February 2021
Fat transfer is the removal of fat from one part of the body to another and the injection into the new area will produce swelling at the time of surgery.
Often patients are quite swollen afterwards and the majority of that swelling will settle within the first 4 to 6 weeks. In terms of the amount of fat that will live, it’s dependent on many factors which include the fitness of the patient, the medications they may be on and also factors such as their weight and whether they smoke or not.
It’s very important to optimise all of these factors prior to the fat transfer surgery. We believe that around 50% or more of the fat will survive long term and whatever is living at around the 6 months to a year phase is what will be left permanently.
For more information about this surgery, you can browse our Fat Transfer page, or you can directly contact us for an enquiry here.
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