Can I Have An Arm Lift In Combination With Other Procedures?
Added on 2nd April 2021
It is very common with weight loss surgery that the whole body is affected and when patients are looking to have numerous sites of surgery done, the arm lift can be combined with any number of procedures.
Which Procedures Can An Arm Lift Be Combined With?
In terms of the breasts, it depends on the extent of the arm lift as to whether it is in the patient’s best interests to have an arm lift alongside a breast procedure. Certainly arm lifting and abdominal rejuvenation is very commonly performed, and arm lifting and thigh lifting is also another commonly performed procedure.
What Is Considered When Deciding Which Procedures Can Be Combined?
At the end of the day, it’s all about safety and making sure that your anaesthetic is short. If your anaesthetic is short and you’re operated on by a team of surgeons, then you’ll find that recovery is quicker and the risks are less.
Visit our arm lift page for more information about the procedure, or contact us to book in for a consultation.
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