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What Is A Brachioplasty?

image showing excess arm skin

A brachioplasty is a procedure that involves removing excess fat and skin from the arms, usually the upper arm region. This is more commonly known as an arm lift. The specific details of the treatment would be discussed between yourself and the surgeon depending on your personal circumstances. 

So, what is a brachioplasty? Here is some information about the consultation, the procedure itself, what to expect when it comes to recovery and also the potential risks. Excess skin can be very difficult to get rid of without surgery, so this is the best course of action for many people. 


What Is A Brachioplasty Consultation Like? 

During the consultation, your surgeon will consider a number of factors to decide whether the procedure is right for you. This would include your expectations for the surgery, lifestyle choices and potential risks, as well as your reasons for having the surgery. 

In some cases, the surgeon could suggest combining a brachioplasty with another procedure in order to achieve the results you are looking for, for example liposuction. Again, the answer to ‘what is a brachioplasty’ would be determined by individual circumstances.


What Is A Brachioplasty Designed To Do?

A brachioplasty is designed to remove excess fat or skin in order to improve the appearance of the arms, particularly the upper arm area. This is typically performed on patients who have either lost a lot of weight or those who want to remove unwanted tissue. 


What Is A Brachioplasty Procedure Like? 

The brachioplasty procedure will take around 1-2 hours, or potentially longer if it is combined with other procedures. An incision is made in the arm towards the armpit or it may be extended further depending on the amount of skin or fat. Many people ask what is a brachioplasty procedure like, however the specific details of the procedure will differ. 

The excess skin and fat would be removed before the surgeon uses internal stitches to tighten the inner arm lining. Then, dissolvable stitches would be used to join the skin where the incision was made. 


What Is Brachioplasty Recovery Like? 

As with most operations, you are likely to experience discomfort and would need at least two week off work to help aid recovery. It will take around 12 weeks for the scar to settle properly, so you need to take good care of the wound to make sure discomfort is minimised and the wound heals properly. 

You are usually discharged from hospital the following day and the wound will need to be kept dry for a week. You should be able to return to driving after a week, and exercise after 2-3 weeks. 


What Is The Risk Of A Brachioplasty? 

Patients are generally very pleased with the results of a brachioplasty, although some people do report numbness, swelling and bruising occasionally. 

Less common issues may include infections, delayed healing, skin loss and thickened scars. Very rarely there may be a risk of respiratory or cardiac issues and deep vein thrombosis as a result of the general anaesthetic. 

If you have any concerns following a procedure, make sure to get in touch with your surgeon. 

Final Thoughts

For those of you who are uncomfortable with their excess skin or fat on the arms, then a brachioplasty could be for you. If this procedure is something you are interested in, or you want to find out more information about what a brachioplasty is, feel free to visit our arm lift page

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