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Is it Possible to Have a Second Breast Reduction?

woman covering breasts which have surgical lines underneath

If you’ve gone through a breast reduction previously, you may have come to dislike the results over time. There can be a number of reasons why you might think this:

– You still don’t like the size of your breasts

– Asymmetry occurred from the first procedure

– You’ve gained more weight after your first breast reduction

– Your skin has been stretched as a result of pregnancy

– You want your breasts to appear more youthful after ageing

With this in mind, you may be questioning whether you should consider a second breast reduction. The fear you may have, however, is the complications that could potentially come from having a second breast reduction. A highly knowledgeable and well-skilled surgeon will be able to conduct the procedure safely to provide you with the results you’re looking for.

Who will be the ideal candidate for a second breast reduction?

There are several factors that your surgeon will need to consider during your assessment to determine whether you’d be an ideal candidate for a second breast reduction. A healthy individual that has fully recovered from the first breast reduction will be able to get another breast reduction. 

In other cases, we may advise that you delay the procedure. The reasons for this may be due to the following:

– Significant weight loss

– Significant weight gain

– You’re looking to have more children

– You have unrealistic expectations about your final results

– You feel highly stressed about the potential of the procedure

It should also be noted that the surgical technique that your previous surgeon opted to use will impact your final results. This would need to be considered when determining what the outcome of the procedure could be. It’s important that your expectations reflect this and they’re realistic. 

Considerations to think about with your second breast reduction

Higher chance of complexities occurring

In your first breast reduction, your existing tissue and skin would have been interfered with. This means there’s a higher risk of complications happening as the tissue will be different. How your breasts recovered will also be a factor considered as the elasticity of the skin will be less.

It may require more time to complete

Surgeons will need to be extra careful navigating around your breast tissue to prevent it from becoming re-traumatised. Considering this, choosing a highly skilled surgeon will be more familiar with the possible complications and will find it easier to navigate through the breast tissue.

Prices can vary

You may find that your second breast reduction could be more expensive as the surgeon will need more time to navigate around the skin tissue. In other cases, it can simply be inflation in the procedure over time as your first procedure would have been some time ago.

It helps if records from your previous surgeon are available

It’s not necessary to have records from your previous surgery but it can definitely help your current surgeon in understanding the techniques that have been used. This will give them prior knowledge of how it was conducted and understand the complications better.

Ensure you choose a specialise breast surgeon

Here at UK Aesthetic, we have some of the finest breast surgeons that you can be offered. They dedicate their time and expertise to ensure your needs are met. We’ll run through the options available to you during the consultation. You can also look over our breast reduction case studies to view results of previous patients that have opted for the procedure too.

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