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Are There Dangers to Having a Lunchtime Neck Lift?

woman raising head by lifting neck with hand

A ‘lunchtime neck lift’ has been a recent development in cosmetic surgery. They’re more commonly known as a thread lift by experienced surgeons. It’s become a recent sensation due to the short recovery time and ability to perform the surgery in a short space of time. It tends to take around one hour, hence the promotion of being called ‘lunchtime neck lift’.

As with any surgery, however, there can be risks involved. Considering the short space of time it can be completed, it’s understandable you’d be wary of the surgery. If you’re looking to take up a thread lift, you may want to know what certain risks and complications can be involved. Read on for further details below.

No noticeable improvement from a lunchtime neck lift

One aspect of the lunchtime neck lift that you should be wary of is how the results can vary between each patient. There can be occasions where you don’t see an immediate improvement to your appearance. As a result, you may find yourself confiding in more traditional forms of surgery such as a brow, neck or facelift. It’s important to establish with your surgeon how long you’re likely to see results, as the results can vary. Don’t be too keen to see changes in your appearance, as you may find yourself taking on more surgery than you actually need.

Sutures become visible

Considering the method for conducting a lunchtime neck lift, there can be occasions when the sutures become visible if you have naturally thin skin. This is because needles are threaded through your skin to lift the tissue and increase collagen formation in specific areas.

Some surgeons claim if this occurs it’s due to poor technique.

Lack of numbness in the treated area

You should also be aware that there can be a delayed response to the initial treatment. Traditional methods generate some discomfort as soon as the procedure has been performed. With a lunchtime neck lift, the feeling of numbness can occur weeks after the procedure, so you should be prepared for this.

Possible infection

Infection caused by the treatment can be relatively infrequent when performed correctly. If there is an occasion when infection occurs, this can be easily treated with antibiotics and it can be an extreme rarity when surgical drainage is required. If scar tissue formation is required, this is also a possibility for you.

Migration of sutures

Another rare instance where a complication could arise is the migration of sutures after the procedure has been performed. This can result in an unbalanced facial appearance for you. If this happens to you, it’s possible that surgeons can do simple reinsertion to help solve the problem.

As with every surgical procedure, it’s important that you go through a consultation beforehand. Here, you’ll be able to discuss any concerns that you have and go through the risks and complications. Here at UK Aesthetic, we offer a range of procedures that can help to improve the appearance of your face. For more details, visit our neck lift page or contact us today to book a consultation.

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